3 Expensive HVAC Repairs You Want to Avoid at All Costs

Your HVAC system is one of the most vital appliances in your Rocky Point, North Carolina, home. Unfortunately, HVAC systems can have problems as they age, and if left unaddressed, these minor issues can turn into expensive repairs. Here are some of the more significant HVAC repairs you want to avoid.

A Failed Compressor

The compressor is responsible for transporting the refrigerant through your system so that it can absorb the heat and moisture from the air. As it begins to fail, your system will have to work harder to remove the heat. This will lead to higher utility bills and your compressor overheating until it breaks down.

In addition, a compressor will fail if the coils are dirty, which is what inhibits the transfer of refrigerant. If the compressor needs replacing, it will run between $1,000 and $2,000. This means that getting a replacement is sometimes the better option if your system is older.

A Bad Blower Motor

Blower motors are what propel the air through your system so it can move across your home to create the desired temperature for each room. When your blower motor begins to fail, you’ll likely notice that your fuses keep blowing. This is because the motor draws too much power when it’s under strain, leading the system to short cycle. Failure is often due to dirt buildup caused by poor maintenance.

Leaking Refrigerant

If your system is leaking refrigerant, this can lead to a costly repair and potentially dangerous situation. The refrigerant resides in the coils of your system. When your system has low refrigerant, it will have a harder time maintaining a consistent temperature. This will cause your condenser to overwork to the point that it can ultimately fail. A large amount of refrigerant is not only expensive to replace, but it can take an HVAC professional hours to determine where the leak is coming from, resulting in up to $1,000 to repair.

Want to avoid the expensive repairs listed above? Contact Airmax Heating & Cooling today at 910-795-4359 so we can help you schedule your maintenance service immediately.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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