Why Does My Ductless System Leak Water in Leland, NC?

If your ductless HVAC system begins leaking water, this is one of the clearest signs that something is wrong with it. Residents of Leland, NC, all owe it to themselves to learn about the causes of this issue so that they can set it right. Here are three possible reasons why water might start leaking from your ductless HVAC system.

Dirty Filters

Over time, as your system uses its filters, they may eventually gather up dirt, dust and other pollutants from the air that they will slow down the rate at which air flows through the system. This may end up temporarily freezing the system’s coils. When they thaw, the resulting water can easily leak out.

The solution here is to regularly wash the air filter. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, which usually dictate cleaning it every two to four weeks. You should replace the filter annually.

Damaged Drain Pan

The purpose of a drain pan is to collect any condensate that drips out of your ductless system before it flows out through the drain line. However, if the pan sustains any damage and cracks, whether because of rust, blunt force or something else, water will leak out through those cracks.

To stop this kind of leak, you’ll need an HVAC technician to come and either fix or replace your drain pan. If caught during a maintenance. visit, our technician can usually replace it then.

Clogged Condensate Line

Finally, there might be issues with the condensate line itself. Most commonly, accummulated dirt can form a clog.

As muck of all sorts builds up in the condensate line, water may eventually have nowhere else to go. It will overflow the drain pan and leak onto the floor.

Now that you have some idea of what could be behind the water leak coming from your ductless HVAC system, there’s no reason for you to remain idle. Call Airmax Heating & Cooling today to get the best ductless HVAC service around Leland, NC so that we can get to work for you.

Image provided by iStock

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